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Sixth Form

Miss Fiona Harrington

Head of Sixth Form

Tel: EXT: 3003


Sixth Form Open Evening – Wednesday 8th May 2024 4pm – 6pm

Bookings are now open for our Open Evening. If you would like to attend please complete the booking form to confirm your place. Closing Date for Bookings 1st May 2024. Book your place here!

Sixth Form Applications – 2024-2025

Our application form is now live for applications for September 2024 start! Apply today!

We welcome applications from internal and external students.

For a summary of our curriculum and 16-19 study programmes, click here: KS5 Curriculum.

To find out more, please see our Prospectus 2023-24.

For more information on our application process and key staff contact details, please see below.

Ten reasons to apply now

  1. We have a strong track record of results.
  2. We value your wellbeing and treat you like adults.
  3. We offer a fantastic range of subjects
  4. Our facilities are modern, comfortable and provide a great learning environment.
  5. The teaching is excellent and we will support you to achieve your academic potential.
  6. We provide clear and detailed guidance on careers and university.
  7. We offer free driving lessons (subject to 96% attendance).
  8. Certain students may be entitled to a bursary! (subject to attendance / eligibility)
  9. We focus on rewards – we want you to feel valued!
  10. We offer a range of exciting enrichment opportunities.
  11. Our Pastoral programme will help you to develop the skills, knowledge and characteristics to thrive in the adult world.

Application Process

Once you have applied, we will get in contact to arrange a one-to-one meeting with you to discuss the subjects you’d like to do, the grades you are on track to achieve and ideas on what you’d like to do after Sixth Form. The aim of this is to ensure that Nunthorpe Academy Sixth Form is the right place for you and you are studying subjects which are suitable for you and your abilities and aspirations. Once successfully completed, we will send you a formal conditional offer confirming your place. The final important step is to enrol and this is where we finalise all subject choices and decisions. This happens on GCSE results day.

Deadline for Sixth Form Applications is Thursday 22nd August – GSCE Results Day.

What do our students say?

“I chose to come to this Sixth form because teachers push you to do your very best.”

“The compact and modern Sixth Form building creates a fun, relaxing atmosphere – perfect for studying” 

“The teachers are helpful” 

“The Sixth Form provides great opportunities for everyone, amazing support when applying to university, and an enjoyable working environment” 

“I came to Sixth Form from a different school and the transition was seamless, now after a year I’m progressing in all of my subjects and achieving my goals” 

“My Form tutor monitors my progress regularly and helps me set new goals and targets” 

“Although A Levels provide a challenge, the staff at Nunthorpe Sixth Form are extremely supportive at helping you achieve your full potential”

“I have no regrets in choosing to come to Sixth Form. The teachers are supportive, the atmosphere is great and the subjects are interesting”

“I know there’s nowhere else that would push me as efficiently, motivate me to learn, and help me achieve my goals.”

Our Sixth Form Team

Miss Fiona Harrington (Head of Sixth Form)

Mr Ryan Tooth (Assistant Head of Sixth Form)

Mrs Leigh Coulthard (Sixth Form Academy Administrator)

Miss Fiona Harrington

Head of Sixth Form

Tel: EXT: 3003



Year 10 Taster Days - 6th Form (q)


How Skilled am I? Y7 (AA)


Year 10 Taster Days - 6th Form (z)

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