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Nunthorpe Academy KS4 Examination Results – Summer 2021

Once again our students should be very proud of the wonderful set of GCSE, BTEC and VCERT results they have achieved this year despite not having had the opportunity to sit their final exams. The student’s grades are a reflection of the extremely hard work and dedication students and staff have invested over the last 2 years in the most demanding of circumstances. This year, following the cancellation of exams, grades were awarded through a process of teacher assessed grades, against a national standard and approved and awarded by the exam boards. The government is not publishing performance data for any schools or colleges this year due to the varying impact of the pandemic.

There were some fantastic individual subject results received by students on site this morning where students have taken the opportunity to share their successes with their friends and teachers.

Our students will be moving on to a vast array of next steps both at our own Sixth Form provision and other local post 16 providers and apprenticeships in September; all of the staff and Governors at Nunthorpe Academy and NMAT trustees wish them well in the next stage of their education. As a quick reminder, our Sixth Form Enrolment is open until 5pm on Thursday 12th August – you can apply here: Nunthorpe Academy Sixth Form Enrolment.

Congratulations to all, it was a pleasure to share this morning with you and see such happy faces!

Take care, stay staff and I wish each of you all the best and success you deserve on the next step of your journey. I am really looking forward to sharing the next two years and seeing the successes of significant number of you when you start at the Sixth Form on 2nd September.

Kate Kell
Head of School

The photo gallery for GCSE Results Day 2021 can be found here: GCSE Results Day (2021).

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