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Mr Alistair Armstrong

Assistant Vice Principal – Achievement (Open) and Character 11-19

Tel: 01642310561 EXT: 1064


The Careers Programme

You can view our careers Programme here: 

Y10 & Y12 Work Experience

Y10 Work Experience Week: 8 – 12 July 2024

Y12 Work Experience Week: 5 – 9 February 2024

Entitlement statement

Throughout their time at Nunthorpe, students will follow the National Framework for Careers Education, Information Advice and Guidance which looks at Career pathways for all students enabling them to make well informed realistic choices. In Years 10 and 11, they will also have a one to one interview with an independent careers advisor.

Our Academy and sixth form measures and assess the impact of the careers programme on students using the ‘Destinations data’.

The Academy’s next review of published information is July 2024.

The ‘Baker Clause’

The ‘Baker Clause’ is supporting students to understand the full range of education and training options Schools and colleges have a responsibility to set students on the path that will secure the best outcome which will enable them to progress in education and work and give employers the highly skilled people they need. That means schools and colleges must act impartially, in line with their statutory duty or contractual requirement, and not show bias towards any route, be that academic or technical. They should promote a full range of technical options.

Schools have an important role in correcting the imbalance in careers information which means that in years 9 and 10 far fewer students have been spoken to about technical choices in comparison to academic routes, and only 4% of young people start an apprenticeship after their GCSEs. Schools must open their doors to other education and training providers, in line with their statutory responsibilities under the ‘Baker Clause’, putting in place a range of opportunities for providers of technical education and apprenticeships to talk to all year 8 to13 pupils about their education or training offer.

This is vital to ensure that all pupils are aware of the benefits of apprenticeships, T Levels and other approved technical education qualifications and can consider them, alongside academic options, when making decisions about their next steps.

Please contact Mrs Andrea Farnhill (, Mr Alistair Armstrong ( or Mrs Maria Hudson ( for further information.

You can view our provider access policy on the policies section of the website.

National Careers Week – 04 – 10 March 2024

As part of National Careers Week students are encouraged to access a virtual careers fair running all week.
Students and parent(s) / carer(s) will be able to access information from various interactive exhibitors. A parents guide is included and provides some excellent information to support students on T-levels, Work Experience, Apprenticeships, Vocational Routes and support for students when leaving school.

A Level Career Progression Routes

Want to know which career routes are available for the A Level that you have chosen? Look through this helpful PDF to find out what options are available.

Upcoming Provider Events

Nunthorpe 6th FormMiddlesbrough CollegeTTEPrior Pursglove
16 Jan 4.30-6.30
7 May 4.30-6.30
11 Oct 5.00-8.00
11 Nov 9.30-12.30
7 Dec 5.00-7.00
23 Jan 5.00-7.00
13 Mar 5.00-7.00
22 Nov 4.00-6.00
11 Jan 4.00-6.00
6 Mar 4.00-6.00
18 Oct 5.00-8.00
9 Dec 10.00-12.00
8 Feb 5.00-7.30
26 Mar 5.00-7.00
Trinity T6Bede CollegeNETA TrainingStockton Riverside College
14 Nov 5.00-7.00
6 Feb 5.00-7.00
9 Apr 5.00-7.00
10 Oct 5.00-7.00
30 Nov 5.00-7.00
12 Oct 5.00-7.00
23 Nov 5.00-7.00
Apprenticeship Engineering Event – 8 Feb 5.00-7.00
24 Oct 4.30-6.30
16 Nov 5.00-7.00
Apprenticeship Event – 7 Feb 5.00-7.00

Whilst we have checked that that this information is currently correct, we suggest that you always confirm the date and times of individual colleges / school events on their website / social media before attending.

National Careers Week

04 – 10 March 2024

Apprenticeship week

05 – 11 February 2024

Y9 Options / Y9-13 Careers Evening

Tuesday 16 Jan 2024 – 16:30-18:30. Contact Mr James Skelton for further information.

Y10 Mock Interviews

Monday 4 December 2023

Y12 Mock Interviews

Monday 11 March 2024

St Johns Ambulance – Work Experience Opportunities

Take a look at the opportunities available with St Johns Ambulance in our area. There are currently volunteering opportunities available with South Tees Hospital (and North Tees from January 2022) for older students aged 18+ There are also many opportunities available for students under 18 through their Youth Programme – Click of the Youth Programme tab within the website for more information: St Johns Ambulance.

Guide to Year 11

Nunthorpe Staff – Information about Careers

If a member of Staff at Nunthorpe requires information that isn’t available on the website they should:

  1. Contact Alistair Armstrong, Andrea Farnhill and Maria Hudson;
  2. Read the careers and opportunities shared in ClassCharts;
  3. See the updates in the Weekly Bulletin on the intranet;
  4. Log in to Unifrog.


Year 10 & Sixth Form Mock Interviews

Mr Alistair Armstrong

Assistant Vice Principal – Achievement (Open) and Character 11-19

Tel: 01642310561 EXT: 1064



Year 10 Taster Days - 6th Form (q)


How Skilled am I? Y7 (AA)


Year 10 Taster Days - 6th Form (z)

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