Meet our Senior Leadership Team

Mrs Kate Kell
Head of School
Email: kkell@nunthorpe.co.uk
LMM Responsibilities
- Ethos and Strategic Vision
- Timetable & Staffing
- SEF & Improvement Plan
- Governance
- Student Admissions
- Overview of Safeguarding, Child Protection & Pastoral Systems
- School Improvement Accountability
- Risk Management
- BA Honours Degree in English, History and Contemporary Asian Studies
- PGCE History
- 7 years teaching History prior to starting at Nunthorpe Academy
- 20 years of varying roles at Nunthorpe Academy including:
- History teacher – GCSE and A level specialising in India and the Arab Israeli Conflict
- Head of Year
- Head of House – Valiant
- Secondment to the Senior Leadership team responsible for Reporting and Assessment
- Assistant Vice Principal and Collaborative Director of the collaborative Sixth Form (TSFE)
- Vice Principal – Operations; Student Engagement; Pastoral
- Head of School
Mr Tim Duffill
Vice Principal – Teaching & Learning
Email: tduffill@nunthorpe.co.uk
LMM responsibilities
- English & Maths
- Curriculum and Academic
- Performance Management
- Quality of Education
- Quality Assurance
- Calendar and Academy Operations
- Teaching & Learning and CPD
- School Improvement and Accountability
- Risk Assessment
- Deputy Safeguarding Lead
- B.ED (Hons)
- MA Education (Management)
- 16 Years Teaching in Nottinghamshire, on the Isle of Man & in North Yorkshire.
- Prior to starting work at Nunthorpe Academy in 2005 as Head of Technology.
- Subsequently, held various positions at Assistant Vice Principal level including Data, line management of core subjects, SLT link to the Sixth Form, etc.
- Currently, Vice Principal Teaching & Learning and Curriculum.

Mr Alistair Armstrong
Assistant Vice Principal – Achievement (Open) and Character 11-19
Email: aarmstrong@nunthorpe.co.uk
LMM Responsibilities
- Open Group
- Progress of Disadvantaged Students
- Student Opportunities
- Deputy Safeguarding Lead
- BA Hons Geography
- PGCE Geography
- MSc IT
- 25 years teaching in the Teesside area
- Humanities Teacher
- Assistant Head of Year
- Deputy Head of Faculty
- Head of Geography
- Head of Year
- Assistant Head
- Assistant Vice Principal.
- Currently teaches Computing, Life and Business.
Mrs Siobhan Brosnan
Assistant Vice Principal – Inclusion 11-19
Email: brosnan.siobhan@nunthorpe.co.uk
LMM Responsibilities
- Designated Safeguarding Lead
- SEN/D Provision and Progress
- LAC Provision and Progress
- Provision Maps
- Access Arrangements
- Alternative Provision
- BA Honours Degree Information Technology with QTS
- 1 year teaching Computer Science in Co Durham
- 12 years of varying roles in North Yorkshire including:
- Computer Science/ICT teacher – KS3, GCSE and A level
- Head of Year
- Head of House
- Secondment to the Senior Leadership team responsible for SEND and Inclusion
- Inclusion and SEND Leader

Mrs Julie Thomas
Assistant Vice Principal – Behaviour & Attitudes 11-19
Email: jthomas@nunthorpe.co.uk
LMM Responsibilities
- Rewards & Sanctions
- Behaviour Policy & Process
- Attendance & Punctuality
- Pastoral Lead (Standards)
- Deputy Safeguarding Lead
- BSc (Hons) Sport Studies
- PGCE in Secondary Education (Phyiscal Education)
- Teaching at Nunthorpe Academy for 19 years
- Assistant Head of House for 2 years
- Head of House for 9 years
- Secondment to SLT for number of roles: Behaviour and Attitudes, and CEIAG.
- Year 7 Progress Leader
- KS2/3 Transition Lead
Mr James Skelton
Assistant Vice Principal – Achievement (EBacc) 11-19
Email: jskelton@nunthorpe.co.uk
LMM Responsibilities
- Responsible for EBacc subjects: Science, MFL, History, Geography, and Computing
- KS4 Options
- Data Capture and Analysis
- Parent Review Evenings
- Middle Leaders Group
- Exams
- Academy Timetable
- Deputy Safeguarding Lead
- BSci Honours Degree in Chemistry
- PGCE – Science and Chemistry
- 19 years of teaching science (across all disciplines)
- 2 years Deputy Director of Studies (Science and ICT) at a London LA School
- 7 years Head of Science at an Outstanding North Yorkshire School
- 2 years Assistant Head teacher at Newcastle LA School
- 5 years Assistant Vice Principal at Nunthorpe Academy