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Save the Children’s Christmas Jumper Day – Thursday 8 December 2022

Nunthorpe Academy will once again be supporting Christmas Jumper Day this year! Wear your favourite festive jumper on Thursday 8th December in place of the top half of your uniform (trousers/ skirt and shoes to be worn as normal) and donate £1 to Save The Children on Parentpay. Please don’t rush out to buy a new jumper for the day – reuse last year’s, swap with a friend, find one in a charity shop or customise an old jumper with Christmas decorations! Get creative to raise money for a great cause!

School News

Pop Up Uniform Shops

JOIN US to GET UNIFORMD! Transition Students Transition week starts on Monday, an exciting time for our new students. If you are joining us…

Preloved Uniform

MANY THANKS to our generous parents past and present who are keeping us stocked with regular donations for our #preloved community 'Uniformd' shop. Almost…

Nunthorpe Academy Uniform Supplier Update

Nunthorpe Academy are delighted to announce that we have endorsed Elizabeth Embroidery ( of Stockton as our new school uniform supplier following the retirement…

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Covid 19 and Attendance Guidance Update

The guidance on Covid-19 is under respiratory infections. Specifically on the circumstances in which a child…