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Business Studies

The Business Department consists of 3 full time teaching staff, delivering 2 subjects across the curriculum.

The Faculty has 4 computer rooms in the main school, two of which are equipped with tables to be used as a classroom and computer room.

Business Department

Key stage 4

The Level 1/2 Technical Award in Business and Enterprise is designed for students who want an introduction to business and enterprise that includes a vocational and project-based element. The qualification will appeal to students who wish to pursue a career in the business sector or progress onto further study. The qualification has 2 assessments externally-set by NCFE: one non-exam assessment and one written examined assessment. The study of business and enterprise involves understanding key areas such as legal structures, marketing, market research, operations management, resource planning, human resources, funding, finance and business and enterprise planning.
This qualification will promote the learner’s understanding of:

How the qualification is assessed

The qualification has 2 assessments externally set by NCFE: one non-externally assessed (NEA) and one written externally assessed (EA). Only one attempt at each assessment is permitted. Students will study the 8 content areas up until the December of Year 11. At this point they will begin their NEA and will have 23 hours in total to complete the assessment. Students will then focus on revision ready for their EA exam in June.

The Learning Journey

Key stage 5

A Level Business students study the Edexcel A Level Business specification and there is no requirement for students to have studied Business at Key Stage 4 in order to study Business at Key Stage 5.

In Year 12, students will study the following topics:

Theme 1 Marketing and people

Theme 2 Managing business activities

In Year 13, students will study the following topics:

Theme 3 Business decisions and strategy

Theme 4 Global business 

More information can be found on the EDEXCEL website: Edexcel AS and A level Business 2015 | Pearson qualifications.

The Learning Journey


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Covid 19 and Attendance Guidance Update

The guidance on Covid-19 is under respiratory infections. Specifically on the circumstances in which a child…