Our Philosophy & Ethics department follows the Redcar & Cleveland Local Authority Agreed Syllabus at Key Stages 3-5, provided by the local SACRE (Standard Advisory Council on Religious Education), of which our department played an active role in producing.
We cover the world faiths (including beliefs and practices), additional belief systems and philosophical and ethical issues and debates.
We follow the AQA A Religious Studies specification. This includes Christianity and Islam (both beliefs and practices) and ‘Themes’, including ‘Crime and Punishment’, ‘Relationships and Family’, Peace and Conflict and ‘Religion and Life’.
We follow the WJEC specification and we study Christianity and Hinduism. This includes philosophical content (Problem of evil, Inductive Arguments, Deductive Arguments, Religious Experience, Challenges to Religious Belief and Religious Language. As part of the Ethics components, we study Utilitarianism, Situation Ethics, Natural Law and Meta-Ethics.
All tutor groups throughout the academy participate in learning about religious occasions and have the opportunity to reflect upon various beliefs, issues and topics each day.