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Extra Curricular

Programme Definition

Academy led activities which students participate and engage in, outside the regular curriculum. These may include:

Programme Aims


Programme Details

Nunthorpe Academy provides a wide range of activities for all students from Year 7 – 13. Our programme is fully inclusive.
The programme is reviewed and shared on a half-termly basis and is responsive to curriculum need and student requests / feedback / demand.

The majority of our activities will take place within the academy and are free of charge. When this is not the case, parents/carers will be informed in advance.


Student safety is the absolute priority and we will ensure that all activities meet Child Protection requirements. All activities are supervised by Nunthorpe Academy staff with registers taken within the first 10 minutes. If sessions are cancelled / postponed, parents/carers of students who attend will be informed. Activities will all be risk assessed, as appropriate in accordance with the NMAT Health and Safety Policy.


Staff have high expectations of student behaviour. Students demonstrating positive choices and going above and beyond will be rewarded. Students demonstrating negative behaviour choices will be dealt with in line with the academy behaviour policy and we reserve the right to suspend or ban disruptive students from attending extra-curricular activities in the future.


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Covid 19 and Attendance Guidance Update

The guidance on Covid-19 is under respiratory infections. Specifically on the circumstances in which a child…