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Pastoral Annual Plan

Our Academy Day includes a 25 minute planned tutorial session every day. The purpose of this session is to prepare students for their life both inside and outside of the Academy, as well as sharing important information and having progress discussions with their tutor. The weekly programme is structured as follows:

Key Stage 3

Key Stage 4

Each year group also has a timetabled assembly, with themes including future aspirations, our shared values, wellbeing and current affairs.

Each half term has a theme, around which assemblies and activities are loosely based.

In addition, there are half-termly Wellbeing Weeks, where students will take part in activities themed around positive mental health, relaxation, team building and positivity. This includes interactive assemblies, form challenges, mindfulness and physical activities.


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Covid 19 and Attendance Guidance Update

The guidance on Covid-19 is under respiratory infections. Specifically on the circumstances in which a child…