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Special Educational Needs and disabilities (SEND)

At Nunthorpe Academy we value all of our students and ensure that they are seen as individuals with differing interests, knowledge, skills and needs.

We have an inclusive ethos and strive to increase the learning and participation of all students, ensuring access to an appropriate curriculum.

SEND and Inclusion is seen as a whole school responsibility, hence shared by everyone within the Academy. Every teacher is a teacher of every young person including those with SEND or any other additional need.

We remain committed to supporting all students to reach their potential in all aspects of school life and this includes those children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).

We are ambitious for our students, including those with SEND, and we endeavour to support them to access a curriculum which will ready them for the next stage of their learning journey, whatever that may be. 

Students may be supported, in a variety of ways, to access the same learning opportunities as their peers, with appropriate adaptations and differentiation to suit their needs. For some students, a more bespoke curriculum package may be more suitable, this will be created on a case by case basis to suit the needs of the individual student.

Mrs S Brosnan, AVP Inclusion leads our Inclusion team at Nunthorpe Academy. She can be contact on for any enquiries or specific student questions.

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One Stop SEND Support Information - Neurodevelopment Pathway

I am concerned my child is demonstrating neurodevelopment difficulties…

Nunthorpe is part of the South Tees service who have a ‘needs led’ neurodevelopmental pathway as to make sure you and your child are supported as much as possible, if you or a professional thinks that your child has a neurodevelopmental need.

Neurodevelopment difficulties are needs which are associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

How can my child get assessed?

1. Please click here for the parent led questionnaire which will help you gather your thoughts. Do make contact with our SENDCo– Siobhan Brosnan ( at the Academy if you want to discuss your thoughts.

2. Submit your views to our SENDCo – Siobhan Brosnan at the Academy if you want to discuss your thoughts. They will begin the process of collating staff voice for the professionals view side of the form– please note this can take ten to fifteen working days as multiple staff need consulting with and to be given time to give accurate and detailed views.

At the same time as consulting internal staff Our SENDCO’s will contact the professionals phoneline to organise an appointment to discuss your child– which is a step that must be taken before paperwork can be submitted. At the present time (January 2024) the wait list for a triage phone call is 10-12 weeks. Nunthorpe Academy have no control over timescales.

3. Once a successful call is made to the triage line, paperwork can be submitted to allow a child access to the neurodevelopment pathway. At the present time (January 2024) waiting lists at up to 48 months. Nunthorpe Academy have no control over timescales.

*There is also opportunity for your child to have their voice heard via questionnaire– this can be completed with parent or with our staff– this will be discussed during Step 2– please click here for the student view form.

What if Nunthorpe Academy do not see signs or agree with me as parent/carer?

Our SENDCo’s will still take the steps above but will only be able to present professional views from the teaching and support staff as they are written.

What if my child is declined at the triage call stage but I really want to go ahead?

As parent/carer you are able to use any professional who works with your child to make a referral. This includes GP’s, paediatricians, speech and language therapists as well as the Academy. Multiple referrals from different professionals may help support you and your family.

The waiting lists are too long, what else can I do?

1. DaisyChain can offer your family support with strategies and techniques to help your child and family if you are struggling. Visit the DaisyChain website for more details and to see upcoming events, training and support on offer in the local community.

2. There are multiple private agencies who offer assessments for children and young people. Although Nunthorpe Academy are not able to make recommendations it is worth noting this route. Please remember – the diagnosis itself is not necessarily a solution– it’s how we all respond to a child or young person demonstrating difficulties that matters most. 

One Stop SEND Support Information - Funding (Redcar and Cleveland)

If your child needs something that is deemed “above and beyond” at the Academy then we need to apply to the local authority where YOU live to try and gain funds for this...

Redcar and Cleveland

There are two different ways of seeking funding:

1. Resource and Support Panel

The resource and support panel at Redcar and Cleveland offer the following services to children/young people.

  • Educational Psychologist
  • Educational Psychologist - Parent Centred / Multi-agency collaboration
  • Specialist Teacher - ASD
  • Specialist Teacher - Learning Support
  • SENCo Mentor
  • Additional Provision - STRIVE (12-week placement)
  • Additional Provision - Primary Resource Base
  • Home and Hospital

The panel sits every three weeks where decisions are made to move forward with or decline referrals that have been made. Nunthorpe Academy have no control over timescales.

2. Educational Healthcare Plan

An education health care plan is a step that can be taken if you or us as professionals feel that Nunthorpe Academy as a mainstream setting cannot meet your childs needs without a significant funding stream that would be individual to your child.

For the parent/carer form please click here.

1. Download and fill out this form (or call the SEND administrator for a printed version.)

2. Meeting with the SENDCo– this is known as the referral planning meeting.

3. Gathering of professional views– this can take ten to fifteen working days.

4. Submission of the EHCAR form for panel decision.

5. Decision made– parents/carers and Academy informed.

6. If successful meeting held with SENDCo to discuss what will be offered to your child. If declined– parents/carers are written to by Local Authority and Right to Appeal process is highlighted.

3. Funding Outcomes

Redcar and Cleveland run a range based system– please click here to see what could be allocated to your child.

One Stop SEND Support Information - Funding (Middlesbrough)


There are two different ways of seeking funding.

1. Outreach and Inclusion Panel

The resource and support panel at Middlesbrough offer the following services to children/young people.

  • Whole Setting Training
  • Targeted Training
  • Observation and Feedback
  • Assessment in the child's current setting
  • Direct Intervention (group and/or individual)
  • Equipment and Resources
  • Short Term Placement outside of current setting e.g. Assessment / Alternative Provision
  • Home and Hospitality Teaching
  • Portage (pre-school only)

The panel sits every three weeks where decisions are made to move forward with or decline referrals that have been made. Nunthorpe Academy have no control over timescales.

2. Educational Healthcare Plan

An education health care plan is a step that can be taken if you or us as professionals feel that Nunthorpe Academy as a mainstream setting cannot meet your childs needs without a significant funding stream that would be individual to your child.

For the parent/carer form please click here.

1. Download and fill out this form (or call the SEND administrator for a printed version.)

2. Meeting with the SENDCo– this is known as the referral planning meeting.

3. Gathering of professional views– this can take ten to fifteen working days.

4. Submission of the EHCAR form for panel decision.

5. Decision made– parents/carers and Academy informed.

6. If successful meeting held with SENDCo to discuss what will be offered to your child. If declined– parents/carers are written to by Local Authority and Right to Appeal process is highlighted.

3. Funding Outcomes

Middlesbrough run an individual based funding matrix system– please click here to see what could be allocated to your child.


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Covid 19 and Attendance Guidance Update

The guidance on Covid-19 is under respiratory infections. Specifically on the circumstances in which a child…