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Values and Ethos

The simple message of READY, RESPECTFUL, SAFE is promoted at every opportunity and used throughout all aspects of life within the academy.

Our aim is to ensure everyone is READY to be successful. Being prepared is an essential part of this journey and students will understand how following clear routines and being prepared for learning prepares them for their experiences in the wider world and employment.

Our aim is to ensure everyone understands how to be RESPECTFUL and to help change behaviours which are not. Nunthorpe Academy is an inclusive 11-19 academy which is proud of every unique individual and encourages all students to celebrate and embrace difference.

And above all our aim is to keep everyone SAFE and prepare them for LIFE in the outside world. A key aim to ensure this is the culture of our academy is for everyone to remember to be kind.


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Covid 19 and Attendance Guidance Update

The guidance on Covid-19 is under respiratory infections. Specifically on the circumstances in which a child…