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Safeguarding is seen by Nunthorpe Academy as our ‘duty of care’ to ensure that every student is safe from harm. Harm can be defined in numerous ways and we take this in its broadest form.

It is our responsibility to work with our students, parents/carers, the community, local service providers and multi agencies to ensure the best possible outcomes for all students no matter what their background or need. It is our duty to ensure that we protect learners, meet statutory requirements, promote their welfare and aspirations and prevent radicalisation and extremism.

In the first instance we aim to do this by ensuring outstanding punctuality and attendance, outstanding behaviour, maintaining a zero tolerance policy in relation to any form of peer on peer abuse, and ensuring that our students know how to keep themselves safe in the very diverse world and cyber world in which they function on a daily basis.

We constantly review our policies and practice to ensure that we fully meet all safeguarding requirements.

We demonstrate this commitment with our Nunthorpe Academy ethos “Ready, Respectful, Safe.”

The Academy adopts the definition of Safeguarding used by Ofsted derived from The Children Act, 2004:

Safeguarding is not just about protecting children from deliberate harm.

It also relates to:

And can involve a range of potential issues such as:

We post all of our Safeguarding updates on our social media networks – please take a look here to view these: Facebook – Twitter.

Who deals with safeguarding issues?

Every member of staff at the academy has a responsibility for the safeguarding of our students. However we have a dedicated team of Child Protection Officers who are always available to speak to your child if they have a concern be it about themselves, friend or peer.

Click here to view our Child Protection Policy.

Guidelines we follow...

All Academy staff undertake annual training with regard to best practice and safeguarding updates that are disseminated from a national level.

This includes Keeping Children Safe in Education - Part 1.  Click here to read KCSIE 2021.

Staff are trained to recognise signs of radicalisation through the Prevent Duty via our online training portal and our Life programme links to this with age appropriate content delivered to our students. 

All staff are trained in how to recognise and report safeguarding concerns, the safeguarding team respond to concerns rigorously and robustly:

Safeguarding Contacts and Places to Help

South Tees Safeguarding Children Partnership (STSCP) is a multi-agency partnership between Middlesbrough Council, Redcar & Cleveland Council, Tees Valley Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), and Cleveland Police. It aims to support and enable local organisations and agencies to work together in a system which places the child at the heart of the process, with a key focus on both improving practice, and enhancing outcomes for children and their families.
We’re here, day or night, for anyone who’s struggling to cope, who needs someone to listen without judgement or pressure. Samaritans is not only for the moment of crisis, we’re taking action to prevent the crisis.
0845 7909090
Kooth is a free safe and anonymous support for 11-19 year olds online.
YoungMinds is a national charity committed to improving the mental health of all children and young people. Parent Helpline 0808 8025544 free for mobiles and landlines – Monday to Friday for concerns relating to child/ young person’s mental health up to the age of 25.
0808 8025544  
Childline is a private and confidential service for children and young people up to the age of 19. You can contact a Childline counsellor about anything -no problem is too big or too small.
0800 11 11  
Children’s Adolescent Mental Health Service - single point of access for advice and support.
0300 0134778  
A charity specialising in Mental Health. Its website has links to support,  information and advice.
A website for young people providing free, confidential drugs information and advice 24 hours a day.
Brook provides free and confidential sexual health advice and contraception to young people under the age of 25.
Through CEOP you can report online sexual abuse or content.
The NSPCC helps children who have been abused to rebuild their lives, protect those at risk and find the best ways of preventing abuse from ever happening.
0808 800 5000  
Parents Protect help parents and carers protect children from sexual abuse and exploitation.
A useful Government website with advice about how to stay safe online.


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Covid 19 and Attendance Guidance Update

The guidance on Covid-19 is under respiratory infections. Specifically on the circumstances in which a child…