Parent Voice Group
I would like to consult with you as parents and carers on how we can successfully develop our working relationships into the wider development of the Academy as a whole.
Groups/parental involvement we have previously had at the academy incude:
1. Parent Voice Group – involved in fundraising activities and events planning such as Christmas/Summer Fair, Quiz nights.
2. Parent Steering Group – involved in consultation on curriculum developments, the data reports and informing explanations required to bridge the gap between educators and teachers in terms of language used and clarity of message.
Current vacancies we have available include:
Parent or Community Governor for the Local Governing Body
If you would like to take part in or be considered for any of the roles above, or have any further suggestions for this area of development please email a dedicated email address that I have set up for this consultation alone parental_partnerships@nunthorpe.co.uk (it contains an underscore) This opportunity will allow you to have your say on how we can strengthen and develop our relationships with you to provide the best provision for our students, your children. This email address will remain open to allow your feedback to influence the direction for the academy and allow any new parents / carers joining our academy to be a part of our future and a part of our developmental process.
Further communications will be shared via our Class Charts communications, please ensure you have downloaded the app.
Trustee for Nunthorpe Multi Academy Trust
If you would like to take part in or be considered for any of the roles above, or have any further suggestions for this area of development please email a dedicated email address that I have set up for this consultation alone parental_partnerships@nunthorpe.co.uk (it contains an underscore) This opportunity will allow you to have your say on how we can strengthen and develop our relationships with you to provide the best provision for our students, your children. This email address will remain open to allow your feedback to influence the direction for the academy and allow any new parents / carers joining our academy to be a part of our future and a part of our developmental process.
Parent Partnership Policy
You can also view our Parent Partnership policy on our policies page here: Parent Partnership Policy.