
The PE department has seven members of energetic staff who are passionate about giving students a high quality experience in Physical Education. Our facilities consist of a large sports hall, a fitness suite, a Gymnasium, tennis courts (5 courts), and a large school field consisting of 4 full size football pitches, 7 aside pitch, 5 aside pitch, and also a full size rugby pitch. In addition to this we have 2 large gridded areas for skill acquisition in lessons. We also have access to the Main School hall for Table tennis sessions and classrooms for theory lessons which include GCSE, VCERT, and A-Level PE.
PE Department
Mrs Leanne Ashcroft
SPORT Teacher
01642310561 EXT: 1043
Mr Darren Bunn
SPORT Teacher
01642310561 EXT: 1043
Miss Eve Jackson
SPORT Teacher
01642310561 EXT: 1043
Ms Alicia Murray
Head Of Subject – Girls Sport
01642310561 EXT: 1044
Mr Steven Purcifer
SPORT Teacher
01642310561 EXT: 6103
Mrs Julie Thomas
Interim Assistant Vice Principal – Behaviour & Attitudes 11-16
01642310561 EXT: 1024
Year 6 Transition
Students will undertake a carousel of activities to introduce them to PE at Nunthorpe Academy. They will need PE kit (Primary school version is fine until September) and trainers. Students will undertake lessons in same sex groups.
Key stage 3
We offer a broad and balanced curriculum to challenge and motivate all learners within the department. There is a wide range of activities covered within the curriculum to encourage all students to develop their practical skills and theoretical knowledge of sport. We have team games and individual sports that students will be assessed in. At KS3 assessment consists of students achieving a 1-4 score across 4 areas; Cognitive, Physical, Social, and Emotional. The score will then be added up out of 16. From this, students are given a working at grade which would be foundation, developing, secure or excellence. Students will also receive a behaviour and effort grade (1-4). The PE Department also offers an extensive range of extra-curricular opportunities for KS3 which are delivered by staff and coaches from the local area.
Curriculum Plan
We always aim to provide students with a broad and balanced curriculum where they can access a variety of sports throughout the year.
The Learning Journey

Assessment Criteria
Key stage 4
Physical Education is compulsory at all Key Stages and therefore we provide a broad and balanced curriculum for all students to participate in. Students will receive 1 hour of compulsory PE each week and are also given the option to attend extra-curricular provision on an evening. We promote local sports clubs and classes to encourage students to continue following a healthy active lifestyle beyond their time at the academy. Students are assessed in KS4 PE on their behaviour and effort using the 1-4 scale which consists of Highly Effective, Effective, Coasting and, Reluctant.
Key Stage 4 – Examination – Physical Education
The PE department offers the two examination courses at Key Stage 4: GCSE Physical Education and also V-Cert Level 2 Certificate in Health and Fitness. Both of these courses start in year 10. Examination courses allow for an additional 5 hours of PE per fortnight. However, the majority of this will be theoretical content with mixed set classes across both courses.
Curriculum Plan
We always aim to provide students with a broad and balanced curriculum where they can access a variety of sports throughout the year.
The Learning Journey

Key stage 5
The PE department offers the one examination course at Key Stage 5: A-Level OCR PE. This course involves three key areas: Physiological factors affecting performance, Psychological Factors affecting performance and also Socio-Cultural issues in physical activity. Students will also be assessed practically throughout the duration of the course and will also have to complete an EAPI (coursework) which requires students to create a development plan to improve a performer’s practical performance within a sporting context. During both Year 12 and Year 13 students will have 9 hours of teaching per fortnight.
The Learning Journey

Extra Curricular
The PE department offers all Nunthorpe students lots of opportunity to attend extra curricular activities. The aim is to encourage all students to not only exceed the national expectation 2 hours of physical activity per week, but to allow students the platform to compete with local, and nationally based schools. The PE department staff plus experienced external coaches deliver activities for all year groups.
You can view all of our extra curricular activities here: Extra Curricular.
Typical activities include:
- Football;
- Rugby;
- Basketball;
- Cricket;
- Handball;
- Hockey;
- Netball;
- Girls football;
- Rounders;
- Tennis;
- Trampolining;
- Athletics;
- Dance/Dance Mats;
- Table Tennis;
- Gymnastics;
- Badminton.