Welcome from the Head of School

Nunthorpe Academy, part of Areté Learning Trust (ALT), is a high performing 11-19 Academy that prides itself on the support and guidance given to every one of our students.
We are committed to becoming Outstanding by:
Ensuring that every student and member of staff is able to realise, fulfil and exceed their potential in their academic and pastoral lives;
Guaranteeing that teaching and learning challenges and equips students with the knowledge and skills needed for Higher Education, employment and life-long learning;
Providing personalised information, advice and guidance (IAG), and offering support whenever it is needed;
Cultivating a positive atmosphere of mutual respect and success; READY, RESPECTFUL, SAFE
At the core of our ethos are the valued positive relationships between staff and students and we are proud of our friendly and purposeful atmosphere. Acknowledging and rewarding excellent behaviour, hard work, personal responsibility and participation are all integral to our high levels of achievement.
We believe that success is built through partnership between parents and carers, staff and students and welcome the views of all of our stakeholders for the further development and increased ‘aspirations’ of all who attend the Academy.
The role of the form tutor at our academy is to be the child’s ‘champion’, to act in ‘loco parentis’, supported by the pastoral team to ensure all barriers to learning, whether academic or social are removed to secure success.
Contact is encouraged when the need arises through our Class Charts app, rather than waiting for parental review evenings (PRE) so that any worries or concerns can be resolved before they become an issue. Low level intervention is essential to prevent escalation no matter how small. Open lines of communication and a joint message from parents and carers and teachers allow for a consistent approach in securing progress for the child at the centre.
A key ingredient in our continued success is recruiting and retaining the very best staff who are committed to our students. High quality classroom practice is crucial in supporting students’ academic success and to this end we ensure that teaching and non-teaching staff are engaged in thoughtful reflection and collaborative training as part of our drive towards further improvement.
Our curriculum is based on a rigorous academic core but with the ability to offer a range of vocationally based courses. This means every student can follow a pathway to success. Our curriculum develops the knowledge and skills required for our student’s future success and we are proud of the high number who further their studies at Colleges and Universities when they finish their seven years of study at the academy, having accessed our Ofsted ‘Good’ Sixth Form provision.
We have an enviable reputation for excellence in all that we do. Our GCSE and A Level results are some of the best in the area.
Our Ethos
The simple message of READY, RESPECTFUL, SAFE is promoted at every opportunity and used throughout all aspects of life within the academy.
Our aim is to ensure everyone is READY to be successful. Being prepared is an essential part of this journey and students will understand how following clear routines and being prepared for learning prepares them for their experiences in the wider world and employment.
Our aim is to ensure everyone understands how to be RESPECTFUL and to help change behaviours which are not. Nunthorpe Academy is an inclusive 11-19 academy which is proud of every unique individual and encourages all students to celebrate and embrace difference.
And above all our aim is to keep everyone SAFE and prepare them for LIFE in the outside world.
A key aim to ensure this is the culture of our academy is for everyone to remember to be kind.
Our Curriculum
Students follow a broad, balanced curriculum. Our curriculum is designed and personalised to meet the needs of all our students. The delivery of the curriculum uses a variety of learning methods where the students participate in a wide range of activities and are encouraged to be more than simply passive observers.
In order to match work to students’ need, and to accelerate progress, we employ a mixture of mixed ability and set groupings. This means that students are placed in groups dependent on their ability to access the curriculum. Year group setting is based upon the ongoing regular formal and informal assessment that occurs throughout the year.
Students will study a programme of learning covering PSHE in the subject of Life and their tutorial time and have the opportunity to access a wide range of extra-curricular activities outside of the academy day. Students will select their options in the January for Year 9 for their key stage 4 subjects at GCSE level (including VCert and Btec options) following a two year programme and in the December for Year 12 for their key stage 5 subjects at A level (including Btec options) following a two year programme.
I am very proud of our Academy and despite everything that our staff and students have achieved, know that we are striving towards even greater success. We welcome you to come and visit us, speak to our staff and students and get a feel for what life at Nunthorpe Academy is really like.
Please use our Calendar (or add to your favourites) to keep an eye on opportunities for your involvement and participation.
Best wishes,
Mrs Kate Kell